Each Sunday children from PreK through 5th grade gather to learn about Jesus through Bible lessons, songs, and crafts. We have dedicated teachers who love the Lord and we welcome the next generation to Sunday School to grow in faith and love in Jesus Christ.
We offer a number of opportunities to be active in the life of the church by serving one another and our community. There are several Bible Studies available in addition to our Sunday morning service. These include Word on Wednesday (WOW) throughout the year except during Advent and Lent, and the Ladies’ Bible Study on Tuesday mornings. We also have community service projects, fellowship meals, and other outreach ministries that help us in bringing “Jesus to the World.”
We are very blessed to have two wonderful leaders who teach a very active and engaged group of youth that are in grades 6 through senior year in High School. Not only do they gather for Bible Study and discussion of life and current events each week, but they have had the opportunity to do other social events as well. We have had the opportunity to take the youth on winter retreats, and have been able to be part of the National Youth Gathering sponsored by the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod Department of Youth Ministry. In addition to helping serve in areas around the church, our youth have also done special service projects to help our local food pantry, joined in caroling at the local nursing home, and assisted members in times of need.
Each year we have the joy of opening our church facilities to both our members’ children but the community's children as we learn all about Jesus through VBS which includes special opening and closing sessions, Bible lessons, crafts, snacks, and games. Vacation Bible School begins on a Sunday with a family picnic with an introduction to the program, and concludes on a Thursday evening. VBS starts at 5 pm with a free dinner and ends at 8 pm each night. There is no charge, and each child is encouraged to bring a friend with them so they too can learn about the Good News of Jesus Christ.